Monday, February 7, 2011

the weekend and then some

1. work. and a lot of it
2. met up with some friends
3. Angus beef overload
4. bought new magazines and books. stumbled upon a really nice one, posting to follow. I love second hand bookstores. 
5. discovering a much nicer setting for my camera
6. It's finally here!!! SC for LV. 

Sofia Coppola for Louis Vuitton. Gaaaah! been eyeing this baby for months, and now it's here! It's poifect! Clean lines, nothing busy, short and long straps, has a wide opening and it's SO pretty. AND it fits everything I could need + camera + tablet + maybe even a laptop, but no, I won't do that. 

You should go check out Sofia Coppola's colab with Louis Vuitton. Everything in her collection is beautiful, all about clean lines and chic basics. Now I really want to chop my hair off and dress in nothing but neutrals.  

how was your weekend?



  1. I HATE YOU! hahahha Gorgeous bag! <3

    and as always, cute sketches! i'm a fan.

  2. heeehee thanks mikey! i wanna see your sketches too! :)
