Friday, February 11, 2011

weaksauce fridays

had to do some pull outs today for an upcoming shoot

there I was, feeling cool, calm and collected

1. Willow and Jack top, vintage shorts, Topshop shoes and leopard belt, SC for LV bag
2. I wish I really looked like that in real life. I don't think I do.
3. I wish my legs looked that great also. but, unfortunately, NO

anyhoo, where was I

so.. cool, calm, collected...until

then BAM! this had to happen

let's just say I won't be going out for the next couple of weeks

another thing,

I can't wait for the weekend!!! R's coming over to visit for Valentine's! wohoooo! 
what are your V-day plans? 


* I wasn't paid by topshop for any of this, although, I wish they did *coughHINTcough*
*images courtesy of google and topshop. merci!

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