Thursday, September 9, 2010

Manila Manila!

As I previously mentioned, I had to go to Manila for  a couple of days to join a charity bazaar and to do some business.  And it would be tragic not to visit some of my favorite people in the world. I wish I had more time though, I didn't get to see everyone and spend hardly any time with the ones I did. Well, till October! My fingers are crossed!
first day dinner with Rhein, Pau and Cel at Mr. Jones! 

Chambray Shirt, Maxi skirt, Tophsop sandals, Prada bag ( I look weird)

Bazaar day! Wearing Willow and Jack kimono dress, Topshop sandals

Hi, thank you for helping me <3
with Crissy doing the blogger pose haha
Crissy's wearing a Willow and Jack Poncho tee, shorts and converse sneaks and I'm wearing a Willow and Jack Deep Vee, Forever 21 shorts, Topshop sandals, Prada bag

this picture is quite blurry
my Grandpa's old eagle tank, maxi skirt


guess where I am!

this is awesome
I love Ateneo.

Forever 21 swing top, denim cutoffs, Topshop ballet flats
home plate!
attempting to act all athletic

going home. I really did go home that day though
found this waiting for me at home!

whew! that was an extra extra long post! off to bed!
